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Player Safety Policy

At Felix and Fingers, we take the safety of our players very seriously. Clients must provide performers a safe environment to fulfill the terms of their contract.

Listed below are examples of factors that constitute an unsafe environment, whereby players are encouraged to ask for client intervention in order to resolve the issue. If the issue is not resolved, or if there is a major threat to a player’s safety, it is within the player’s right to leave the premises before the completion of their performance. These factors are including, but not limited to:

  • Unsafe physical environment, such as an improperly supported stage, or location that allows for physical injury of the players
  • Aggressive activity between guests, including violence or aggressive threats of violence
  • Aggressive animals that are not kept separated from the players at all times
  • Client perpetrated advances to performers, whereupon after a verbal warning by player, behavior is not stopped
  • Aggressive advances from guests to performers, whereupon when brought to the attention of the client, the advances are not addressed and the player feels threatened or uncomfortable
  • Firearms discharged at any time (informing the client of departure not necessary)
  • Threat of physical injury from guests or client to performer(s)
  • Any illegal activity of any kind witnessed, including illegal drug consumption on the part of the client or the guests
  • Dangerous weather that puts the player at risk, such as excessive heat or cold, torrential downpour, or threats of tornadoes/hurricanes

If the player feels unsafe, they should let the client know (unless the client is performing the unsafe action). If it is not remedied within a reasonable amount of time or if it is communicated to the player that the issue will not be remedied, the player should document the situation/actions to the best of their ability with video/audio recording. It is then within the players rights to leave the premises and call their RED immediately and await further instructions on how to proceed. If the RED is unavailable, they should create a group text chat with their RED, the COO, and the CEO and briefly describe the situation.

Shawn Grindle (RED): (412) 860-0544
Michael Sherman (RED): (513) 518-1471
Robert Deason (COO): (847) 204-0912
Mike Potts (CEO): (815) 245 3623 (text only, this number redirects to the company line)